Mittwoch, 19. Oktober 2011

Learn more about the Drug Discovery Process

We've all been touched by the miracles of modern medicine. But few people understand how medicines are made, and the immense effort required to get them to market and into our hands.

Discovery Partnerships gives you the change to share costs, developments and challenges along the way.

Efficient drug discovery is still the key for the pharmaceutical industry to survive. With pharmaceutical companies worrying strongly about how to fasten time-to-market, effective drug discovery and enhanced prognosis become more important than ever. Therefore, many pharmaceutical companies are looking for long-term alliances and innovative ways of partnering to speed up development time and share risks.

IQPC's annual congress "Discovery Partnerships" is back. The only European event covering Early Discovery and Pre-clinical Partnerships! Be prepared for 2012 and beyond. Join the 3rd International Congress DISCOVERY PARTNERSHIPS from the 13 - 14 December 2011 in Düsseldorf, Germany.

Dieser in Englisch abgehaltene Fachkongress wird für die Fach- und Führungskräfte von pharmazeutischen Unternehmen, CROs sowie Biotechs initiiert. – Wie können erfolgreiche Partnerschaften etabliert werden? Welche Balance zwischen Risikostreuung und Kostenteilung ist vor allem bei einer Partnerschaft von KMUs und CROs optimal? Welche Vorteile bringen "2.0 Kommunikationskanäle" mit sich? – Diese und weitere Fragestellungen bilden den Rahmen des "3rd International Congress Discovery Partnerships".

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